Aorta Red Orp

$55 + VAT for UK

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SKU: 0008. Category: .

This is the Aorta Red Orp.  Are you a Type A personality? The kind of person that gets things done  quickly and efficiently (no matter the collateral damage)? Like fast things? Are you a hot head that could blow at the slightest provocation? Or maybe you just like red or have a bike with red accents. In any case, the Aorta Red Orp maybe for you.

Orp is a combination dual tone, high decibel bike horn and front beacon light  all in a super small, USB rechargeable, weather resistant package.  It’s designed to make you more visible by making you more hear-able. Includes new friendly sound, black lens cap and Anti Bear Mode (ABM).

Each Orp comes complete with the Orp Power Kit (a micro USB/USB cable) and  Orp’s Handle Bar Girth Enhancement Device (rubber shim) for thinner handle bars. And  remember, all Orps are REMORP READY!
Includes Free Shipping in the USA for a limited time.

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Just on my way to work today I had to use the ORP 3 times.

First I start out with the “nicer” wail and when people do not care they get the “not so nice” wail – ….

Today I actually avoided an accident thanks to the ORP.

Another biker did not yield, boy he was so shocked by the sound of the ORP that he totally stopped and got off his bike and just looked at me LOL

Thanks so much for the ORP!



Robin O., Malmo Sweden