Wail Blue Orp

$65 + VAT for UK

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SKU: 0003. Category: .

This is the Wail Blue Orp. This color was designed to be a natural foil to the Red lovers and remind you of  beautiful blue sky and or a giant blue whale. You can see we were sort of clever with the name here. This is a great Orp on black, white,  silver and complement to gold or yellow/ orange bikes. It’s perfect to complete that Superman or USA (Chile too!) colorway or match a blue  or blue accented bike.

Orp is a combination dual tone, high decibel bike horn and front beacon light  all in a super small, USB rechargeable, weather resistant package.  It’s designed to make you more visible by making you more hear-able. Includes new friendly sound, black lens cap and Anti Bear Mode (ABM).

Each Orp comes complete with the Orp Power Kit (a micro USB/USB cable) and  Orp’s Handle Bar Girth Enhancement Device (rubber shim) for thinner handle bars. And remember, every Orp is REMORP READY!
Includes Free Shipping in the USA for a limited time.

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…I really needed this here in NYC, first time using it tonight 3 times! Cars stopped. looked and waited!

Nubian D., NYC