Asphalt Black Orp

$55 + VAT for UK

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This is the Asphalt Black Orp. Hear, I mean, here at Orpland, the Asphalt Black Orp is like our first born. Sure, we love all our Orps, but this guy/girl/binary is where we started.  This Orp is easy going, will do anything you want to do and goes with everything.

Orp is a combination dual tone, high decibel bike horn and front beacon light all in a super small, USB rechargeable, weather resistant package.  It’s designed to make you more visible by making you more hearable  This Orp features the new friendly sound,  the black lens cap and Anti Bear Mode.

Each Orp comes complete with the Orp Power Kit (a micro USB/USB cable) and  Orp’s Handle Bar Girth Enhancement Device (rubber shim) for thinner handle bars. And remember, every Orp is REMORP READY!
Includes Free Shipping in the USA for a limited time.

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Just today this stupid car that was cutting the group, honked at our club on the road, all the other people were ringing their bells,and guess what? The ORP was as loud as the car horn XD BBBAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMM

MAH, Toronto, Canada