Angus Pink Orp

$65 + VAT for UK

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SKU: 0007. Category: .

This is the Angus Pink Orp. It’s reminiscent of  a rare, cute  pink baby dolphin ,  a succulent medium rare steak (sorry vegans) or a naked mole rat- its silicone skin actually makes it feel like a mole rat (or a premature  giant baby hamster if you prefer).   If you love Pink,  or any of the inspiration listed above, then this is the Orp to have.

Orp is a combination dual tone, high decibel bike horn and front beacon light  all in a super small, USB rechargeable, weather resistant package.  It’s designed to make you more visible by making you more hear-able. Includes new friendly sound, black lens cap and Anti Bear Mode (ABM).

Each Orp comes complete with the Orp Power Kit (a micro USB/USB cable) and Orp’s Handle Bar Girth Enhancement Device (rubber shim) for thinner handle bars. And remember, every Orp is REMORP READY!
Includes Free Shipping in the USA for a limited time.

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Don’t know why I waited so long! Makes my rides much more enjoyable. It always get’s peoples’ attention, even if they are wearing earbuds. The light alone is worth more than the price itself… but you get a very useful horn and remote, free!? You have nothing to lose.


B.R.- Avid cyclist and certified bike mechanic, Portland, OR