Frostbyte White Orp

$55 + VAT for UK

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SKU: 0009. Category: .

This is the Frostbyte White Orp.  This is the science Orp and probably the smartest of all Orps.  It’s Orpucational, I mean, educational- this is the Orp that provides its owners and admirers the best hint of Orp’s intriguing anatomy while still having its skin on.   This Orp may not make you smart, but it sure looks smart on just about every color bike.

Orp is a combination dual tone, high decibel bike horn and front beacon light  all in a super small, USB rechargeable, weather resistant package. It’s designed to make you more visible by making you more hearable. This Orp features the new friendly sound,  the black lens cap and Anti Bear Mode.

Each Orp comes complete with the Orp Power Kit (a micro USB/USB cable) and  Orp’s Handle Bar Girth Enhancement Device (rubber shim) for thinner handle bars. And remember, every Orp is REMORP READY!
Includes Free Shipping in the USA for a limited time.

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I have been using my Snot Green Orp for the past three weeks and I have never enjoyed a new boy gizmo as much as this. I love using the horn on bike trails and roads. After 50 years of riding without a horn, I suddenly don’t know how I have gotten by without it. I beep at all the walkers with headphones who stroll down the center of bike baths. When they need an extra jolt, I hit the high decibel horn and that gets their attention every time. Now, I don’t have to worry about passing people, including bike riders, without warning them first. And, on top of all that, the light is perfect for early morning and grey days in Seattle. It’s the perfect combo. Thanks Orp for a brilliant product.

Sandy L., Mercer Island, WA, USA