Seven Day Cyclist gave Orp an awesome review a few months ago and then gave Orp another boost in its latest review of the Timber Mountain Bike Bell.
Here’s what they said:
Big thanks to Michael at Seven Day!
Seven Day Cyclist gave Orp an awesome review a few months ago and then gave Orp another boost in its latest review of the Timber Mountain Bike Bell.
Here’s what they said:
Big thanks to Michael at Seven Day!
The Orp has straight up saved my life. After living in both San Francisco and Portland I found myself in New York City and not being able to yell at enough cabbies, Citi bikers, and just oblivious tourists in my daily ride. I did some research online and found a few different bike horns, but most were way too large for my constant on and off the bike lifestyle. I ended up going with the Orp. While nothing can get through to some oblivious New York City drivers, the Orp sure as shit has saved my life in many other situations. Whether it was scaring a “salmon rider” on a busy one way, or letting a mob of people know that I was not going to stop just because they were jaywalking, This Thing Really Works. I found the combination of strobe light and horn one of the most effective things for night time riding. I’ll keep my headlamp on so I can shine it in any direction, but the effectiveness of the audio and visual [elements] of the Orp is unmatched.
I found myself back in Portland and with a slightly damaged Orp after almost 2 years of heavy usage. I took it down Tory at their SE shop and he had me in and out with a good as new product in less than 5 minutes. Stoked to be supporting a rad local company that is a huge reason I survived the East Coast.
Thanks Tory and the team at FUSE for making such a rad product!
Ben M., SF, NYC + Portland, OR