Popular Mechanics Reruns its Orp Love

Orp HQ just got word that the new, new thing must  be doing reruns on the internet. Just like reruns of your favorite TV show. Who doesn’t love reliving  the Breaking Bad Episode in Season 4 where Walter  blows up Gus?

Popular Mechanics had originally published a story  they called  “10 Ingenious Bike Hacks” (Orp is hardly a hack, but PM is maybe new to the  word and wanted to seem cool) back in 2013 and then they just released the same story a couple of days ago.

Maybe its possible  Orp and its other 9 brethren were part of a golden era of innovation that still glows  bright so  repeating this story is all good.  All of us at Orp are certainly appreciative of the notice. Of course, a new story on Orp with its REMORP buddy would be good as well and it would be, well, new.

In any case, thanks Popular Mechanics!

Popular Mechanics Ingenious bike Hacks
